Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MfI: Talking about MandE

An IFAD funded Regional Programme, SMIP (Strengthening Management for Impact) is working with pro-poor initiatives in eastern & southern Africa to build capacities to better manage towards impact. It does so through training courses for individuals, technical support to projects & programmes, generating knowledge, providing opportunities for on-the-job-training, and policy dialogue. 

An important component of managing for impact is monitoring and evaluation (M&E). SMIP's approach to M&E is learning oriented and participatory. Meaning - encouraging the use of data and information for improved action by the stakeholders themselves (as opposed to decision making by funding agencies alone). 

This year, SMIP has worked with the ASSP/ASDP-L Programme in Zanzibar; OXFAM in Mozambique; Department of Social Services in South Africa among others. To read about some of the teams experiences & lessons in establishing and utilizing participatory & learning oriented M&E systems, visit SMIP's blog -http://mande4mfi.wordpress.com/

The blog - "Talking about M&E" describes individuals reflections on things like the use of performance questions to identify information needs; mapping out theories of change; and M&E and Governance. It also provides information on forthcoming training workshops & other useful sources of information on M&E. 

SMIP is working hard to strengthen the culture of sharing knowledge & experience amongst pro-poor initiatives, particularly in Africa. So we'd very much welcome your thoughts, experiences & lessons! 

For more information on SMIP & Managing for Impact, visit our Electronic Resource Information & Learning Center (ERIL) - http://www.managing4impact.com/

1 comment:

Anna said...

Nice description. Have you sent it to Akoussan / Coumba for your page on FIDAfrique?